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Patch notes for the Steam release version (
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- Hjarpe
- Lead Designer
- Posts: 480
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:02 pm
- Started SFD: The grey dawn of time
- Gender:
- Age: 34
- Contact:
Patch notes for the Steam release version (
This is a (pretty much) full change log from Beta 1.0.2c to the full version that was released on Steam (
It is not 100% complete, but lists the major changes from several closed beta updates.
* Local multiplayer added.
-- 2 local players supported for online play.
-- 4 local players supported for offline play.
* Added support for XBox 360 controllers and DirectX 9 compatible input devices.
* Campaign mode added, with one campaign (for now): Prime Time in Sunny City!
* Challenge mode added. Consists of smaller challenges designed to be played alone offline. Earning the gold medal unlocks one or more customization items!
* New Versus maps: The Pit, Jo's Bar
* New Survival Map: The Last Stand (The Pit)
* Completely revamped the Tutorial.
* Several new music tracks added. Added music to all Versus maps.
* Several new customization items added, some of them not equippable (but may be unlockable in the future).
* New weapons: Chainsaw, shock baton, lead pipe, machine pistol, MP50, pump-action shotgun (dark version), baseball.
* Several new tiles added.
* Added (experimental) Steam Cloud sync for your game progress and character profiles.
* Added ability to upload and download maps via Steam workshop. Added new map editor menu item Steam -> Steam Workshop, which opens a dialog to upload your map to Steam.
* Extension Scripts can now be created in the map editor and be shared in the Steam workshop.
* Language Tool updated. Now possible to filter out map editor and server software texts (which are optional to translate).
* You can now upload Language Packs from the Steam Workshop dialogue in the Map Editor.
* Added menu option to open the language tool from the map editor.
* Added text color property to DialogueTriggers.
* Added support to create and save up to 9 different fighter profiles.
* Added the ability to select easy, normal, hard and expert bots in lobby player slots.
* Revamped the player HUD.
* Improved player idle and running animations.
* Added blood stains on characters' faces when HP is low.
* Map votes will now occur at the end of matches when it's time to change map. Vote must be passed before the map will load.
* You can now recovery roll when falling from some a small height (except if you got hit in the air, you got hit from a jump-attack, or you got knocked dowm from a full melee-combo).
* You are now immune against melee attacks while recovery-rolling away from attackers.
* You can only grab someone in front of you (no longer possible to grab someone slightly behind you).
* The grab-hitbox around the legs have been removed while jumping to make it easier to jump over someone trying to grab.
* Grabbing now costs stamina.
* It is no longer possible to start a grab directly after your melee weapon is destroyed.
* Increased the minimum velocity required for any thrown/dropped items to register a hit.
* Rolls must now be performed for a short minimum duration before you can jump to cancel the roll.
* You can now bind separate keys for jumping and climbing and still be able to jump off ladders.
* Block and aim can now be bound to separate keys.
* Showing the menu, scoreboard or the chat will now stop your character's movement.
* Camera adjustments and improvements.
* Ledge grab mechanic improvements and bug fixes.
* Diving mechanic improvements and bug fixes.
* Shooting and throwing objects through cover can no longer be done through large tiles.
* C4 prime time reduced so it can be triggered slightly earlier.
* Axe and Chainsaw deals extra damage to objects (not players).
* Objects and players now flash red when taking damage.
* The game will automatically delete debris after a certain amount has been spawned.
* The tab key can be used in the chat while playing online to cycle between team chat, all chat and last whispered user.
* A warning will be shown 10 seconds before you're automatically kicked if you're inactive if the server has auto-kick enabled.
* You now run slightly faster while burning. (10% speed increase at fire rank 1, 20% at fire rank 2).
* Sliding down ladders will put out fire rank 2 temporarily. You must roll to put out your fire permanently.
* Added a search function in the map editor. You can search for tiles by names, IDs and property values.
* While testing a map in the editor, buttons can be pressed by clicking on them with the mouse.
* Added function to register and listen for user chat messages in the ScriptAPI. See Events.UserMessageCallback for more details.
* Added a new tab in the server software to view and manage moderators.
* Rolling can be performed immediately after hitting with a melee attack, but doing so will force you to roll for the remaining time of the attack animation.
* Player slot configuration is now saved between games.
* You can now populate player slots with bots in the server software.
* Added a new "Drop-in order" setting to decide if drop-in players should use open slots only, open slots then replace bots, or replace bots then open slots.
* Added basic support for custom textures. Place any .png files in the same relative path in your own documents "\Documents\Superfighters Deluxe\Content" folder matching the installation content folder.
* Added HOST_GAME_FORCED_SERVER_MOVEMENT_CHECK flag to the config.ini file. When enabled, server-side movement is forced on clients with a ping above a certain threshold (default 120).
* A dead player caught in your grab can't be critted by projectiles (meatshields will be more effective)
* Adjusted throw values for M60, bazooka, flamethrower, sniper, grenade launcher so they don't go through your target.
* Missiles (thrown items) now damage players based on the MeleeDamageTakenModifier instead of ImpactDamageTakenModifier.
* Host configuration is now saved when starting a game from the lobby (wasn't saved before).
* Added command "/SETDIFFICULTY [1/2/3/4/EASY/NORMAL/HARD/EXPERT]" to change campaign difficulty.
* Campaign is now the default selected map category for new players.
* Added an optional config.ini parameter where you can disable list images in the editor (EDITOR_DISABLE_LIST_IMAGES=1).
* Reworked the config.ini handling to support comments and sections better.
* Added config option (MONITOR=[MONITORINDEX]) to start SFD on another monitor (for those that have problems dragging the game window to another monitor this might work better).
* Added config option (CLIENT_REQUEST_SERVER_MOVEMENT) where you can let the server process all your actions, including movement. This will delay your input!
* FPS and Ping information can be toggled on/off in the config.ini file using the SHOW_FPS and SHOW_PING keys.
* An in-game timer for offline games and challenges can be toggled on/off in the config.ini file using the SHOW_TIMER key.
* Increased TARGETFPS config.ini key limit from 144 to 250.
* LOTS AND LOTS of other fixes and tweaks.
* Maps can now have thumbnail images.
* MusicTrigger now has a "shuffle" option which lets you choose multiple tracks. When triggered, it will select a random track to play, prioritizing tracks that have not been played recently this session. (Used in Versus maps).
* New map editor shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+V to paste objects in the exact same coordinates as copied/cut from.
* Added modify date and create date to the open map dialog in the map editor.
* You can now see all references to a tile (e.g. trigger target) if you turn on caps lock and select the tile.
* ActivateTriggers now have more options to setup how many times they can be used by different players.
* Some new visual debug options to debug bots and path grids for maps.
* Several new tiles and triggers.
* New tile: EditorTestButton00, only visible while testing the map via the editor.
* Using bots in custom maps requires a bit of setup. As a minimum you'll need a path grid and bots with some predefined AI. More info about this will be made available in the forum.
* Several different crashes fixed in the map editor.
* Now possible to create custom challenges by seting Map Type to Challenge.
* Added instructions how to create thumbnail images for your maps in the help section.
* Added instructions how to create Versus, Campaign, Survival, Challenge and Custom maps in the Help section of the Map Editor.
* Updated ScriptAPI to allow for challenges.
* Added IGame.ChallengeCompleted boolean to be used if a challenge is won or lost when calling SetGameOver.
* Added IGame.SetChallengeTimeLimit(seconds) (max 600 seconds) to be able to set a time limit on custom challenges.
* Other fixes and tweaks.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't move left/right on top of ladders.
* Fixed a bug where players would collide with other players that have passed through them or is behind them.
* Fixed a bug where jumping near corners of objects could make the player lose all momentum (a.k.a. jump cancelling).
* Fixed a bug where grabbed players would not be hit if they overlapped a portal.
* Fixed a bug where players would walk back and forth in portals if holding both movement keys pressed.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't move in the air if you keep the roll button pressed and jumped after a roll.
* Fixed a bug where a player's ledge-grab hitbox was the same as standing up.
* Fixed a bug where you could drop makeshift weapons while climbing using the sheathe key.
* Fixed a bug where you could drop makeshift weapons while aiming in throw mode and still aim with empty hands in throw mode.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't roll while in cover using the controls Left/Right+Down.
* Fixed a bug preventing you from cancelling an active key binding process.
* Fixed a bug where the menu would close itself when a new map begun to load.
* Fixed a bug where the server software would not read the memory usage correctly after some time.
* Fixed some bugs related to the camera and its movement over longer distances. This might affect custom maps.
* Fixed a bug where dropping a grabbed player would show them in the falling animation for a brief time.
* Fixed a bug where WeldJoints and RevoluteJoints didn't always cooperate well when some welded tiles were removed.
* Fixed some bugs related to ElevatorAttachmentJoints. An elevator won't automatically reverse when spawned. This behavior will be active once the elevator moves for the first time. This may affect custom maps.
* Fixed a bug where you could equip items not intended to be equipped, both using the ScriptAPI and configuring your profile file.
* Fixed certain misc key action to be ignored during loadings, like print screenshot, toggle fullscreen and toggle GUI.
* Fixed chat not always being visible in the lobby.
* Fixed AreaTriggers not registering rocket riding players.
* Fixed a bug where you could kick yourself as the host in the lobby.
* Fixed a bug where the music could keep playing when closing the server preview window.
* Fixed a bug when binding the chat key to A-Z prevented that key from being used in the chat.
* Other fixes and tweaks.
* Added Game.ClearWeaponSpawnChances(), Game.IsEditorTest, Game.SetCampaignMapPart(..), Game.CampaignCurrentMapPartIndex, Game.CampaignTotalMapParts, Game.PlaySound(..)
* Added IPlayer.SetBotName(..), IPlayer.AimVector, IPlayer.IsRecoveryRolling, IPlayer.IsRecoveryKneeling, IPlayer.IsValidBotEliminateTarget, IPlayer.SetValidBotEliminateTarget(..), IPlayer.GetBotBehaviorSet(), IPlayer.SetBotBehaviorSet(..)
* Game.ClearWeaponSpawnChances(), Game.UpdateWeaponSpawnChances(..) now also affects all SpawnWeapon markers.
* Added possibility to set face direction (left/right) on objects.
* Added new modifiers for a player: InfiniteAmmo, ItemDropMode, MeleeStunImmunity, CanBurn, MeleeForceModifier.
* Added IUser.GameSlotIndex
* Improved handling of faulty scripts to avoid SFD freezing in many cases.
-- Stack overflow exceptions in scripts will still make SFD crash silently as it can't be handled.
* IObjectButtonTrigger now inherits from IObjectActivateTrigger.
* Added IObject.SetCollisionFilter(...), IObject.GetCollisionFilter() to modify collision on objects similar to how AlterCollisionTile works - does not work on players.
* StartMoveToPosition command now aborts if player is going through a portal and exiting the opposite way.
* IGame.GetWeatherType() and IGame.SetWeatherType() added.
* IGame.SelectedDifficultyLevel added to read selected difficulty (for campain maps).
* Existing property IGame.CurrentDifficulty now works for campaigns, returning a 0.25f for Easy, 0.50f for Normal, 0.75f for Hard and 1.0f for Expert.
* Added properties MeleeWaitTimeLimitMin and MeleeWaitTimeLimitMax to BotBehaviorSet to control how long a bot can wait before doing an action in melee. This is by default set to 1000-1000 ms.
* Added SetMeleeActionsToEasy(), SetMeleeActionsToNormal(), SetMeleeActionsToHard(), SetMeleeActionsToExpert(), SetMeleeActionsToDefault() to BotBehaviorSet to easily default melee values to something pre-defined.
* Added BotBehaviorSet.CounterOutOfRangeMeleeAttacksLevel (0.0-1.0) which determines how likely the bot is to counter things like dives, grabs and jump attacks.
* Added BotBehaviorSet.SetMeleeActionsAll(BotBehaviorSet value) to set MeleeActions, MeleeActionsWhenHit, MeleeActionsWhenEnraged and MeleeActionsWhenEnragedAndHit at the same time.
* Fixed a bug where the Spectating status for a user remained even when assigned to a new player.
* Fixed bot commands that could get stuck if ClearCommand was called at specific timings.
* Fixed Game.UpdateWeaponSpawnChances() not working.
* Fixed a bug with RunSpeedModifier (value above 1.4) causing the running to show the sprint animation which prevent certain gameplay actions.
* Fixed some crashes when trying to access specific functions/properties on some objects after got disposed.
* Fixed a bug where Game.ElapsedTotalGameTime returned game time unaffected by slowmotion (it now returns elapsed game time affected by slowmotion). Added Game.ElapsedTotalRealTime which returns game time unaffected by slowmotion to have both options available. This change may affect custom scripts and maps.
* Other fixes and tweaks.
It is not 100% complete, but lists the major changes from several closed beta updates.
* Local multiplayer added.
-- 2 local players supported for online play.
-- 4 local players supported for offline play.
* Added support for XBox 360 controllers and DirectX 9 compatible input devices.
* Campaign mode added, with one campaign (for now): Prime Time in Sunny City!
* Challenge mode added. Consists of smaller challenges designed to be played alone offline. Earning the gold medal unlocks one or more customization items!
* New Versus maps: The Pit, Jo's Bar
* New Survival Map: The Last Stand (The Pit)
* Completely revamped the Tutorial.
* Several new music tracks added. Added music to all Versus maps.
* Several new customization items added, some of them not equippable (but may be unlockable in the future).
* New weapons: Chainsaw, shock baton, lead pipe, machine pistol, MP50, pump-action shotgun (dark version), baseball.
* Several new tiles added.
* Added (experimental) Steam Cloud sync for your game progress and character profiles.
* Added ability to upload and download maps via Steam workshop. Added new map editor menu item Steam -> Steam Workshop, which opens a dialog to upload your map to Steam.
* Extension Scripts can now be created in the map editor and be shared in the Steam workshop.
* Language Tool updated. Now possible to filter out map editor and server software texts (which are optional to translate).
* You can now upload Language Packs from the Steam Workshop dialogue in the Map Editor.
* Added menu option to open the language tool from the map editor.
* Added text color property to DialogueTriggers.
* Added support to create and save up to 9 different fighter profiles.
* Added the ability to select easy, normal, hard and expert bots in lobby player slots.
* Revamped the player HUD.
* Improved player idle and running animations.
* Added blood stains on characters' faces when HP is low.
* Map votes will now occur at the end of matches when it's time to change map. Vote must be passed before the map will load.
* You can now recovery roll when falling from some a small height (except if you got hit in the air, you got hit from a jump-attack, or you got knocked dowm from a full melee-combo).
* You are now immune against melee attacks while recovery-rolling away from attackers.
* You can only grab someone in front of you (no longer possible to grab someone slightly behind you).
* The grab-hitbox around the legs have been removed while jumping to make it easier to jump over someone trying to grab.
* Grabbing now costs stamina.
* It is no longer possible to start a grab directly after your melee weapon is destroyed.
* Increased the minimum velocity required for any thrown/dropped items to register a hit.
* Rolls must now be performed for a short minimum duration before you can jump to cancel the roll.
* You can now bind separate keys for jumping and climbing and still be able to jump off ladders.
* Block and aim can now be bound to separate keys.
* Showing the menu, scoreboard or the chat will now stop your character's movement.
* Camera adjustments and improvements.
* Ledge grab mechanic improvements and bug fixes.
* Diving mechanic improvements and bug fixes.
* Shooting and throwing objects through cover can no longer be done through large tiles.
* C4 prime time reduced so it can be triggered slightly earlier.
* Axe and Chainsaw deals extra damage to objects (not players).
* Objects and players now flash red when taking damage.
* The game will automatically delete debris after a certain amount has been spawned.
* The tab key can be used in the chat while playing online to cycle between team chat, all chat and last whispered user.
* A warning will be shown 10 seconds before you're automatically kicked if you're inactive if the server has auto-kick enabled.
* You now run slightly faster while burning. (10% speed increase at fire rank 1, 20% at fire rank 2).
* Sliding down ladders will put out fire rank 2 temporarily. You must roll to put out your fire permanently.
* Added a search function in the map editor. You can search for tiles by names, IDs and property values.
* While testing a map in the editor, buttons can be pressed by clicking on them with the mouse.
* Added function to register and listen for user chat messages in the ScriptAPI. See Events.UserMessageCallback for more details.
* Added a new tab in the server software to view and manage moderators.
* Rolling can be performed immediately after hitting with a melee attack, but doing so will force you to roll for the remaining time of the attack animation.
* Player slot configuration is now saved between games.
* You can now populate player slots with bots in the server software.
* Added a new "Drop-in order" setting to decide if drop-in players should use open slots only, open slots then replace bots, or replace bots then open slots.
* Added basic support for custom textures. Place any .png files in the same relative path in your own documents "\Documents\Superfighters Deluxe\Content" folder matching the installation content folder.
* Added HOST_GAME_FORCED_SERVER_MOVEMENT_CHECK flag to the config.ini file. When enabled, server-side movement is forced on clients with a ping above a certain threshold (default 120).
* A dead player caught in your grab can't be critted by projectiles (meatshields will be more effective)
* Adjusted throw values for M60, bazooka, flamethrower, sniper, grenade launcher so they don't go through your target.
* Missiles (thrown items) now damage players based on the MeleeDamageTakenModifier instead of ImpactDamageTakenModifier.
* Host configuration is now saved when starting a game from the lobby (wasn't saved before).
* Added command "/SETDIFFICULTY [1/2/3/4/EASY/NORMAL/HARD/EXPERT]" to change campaign difficulty.
* Campaign is now the default selected map category for new players.
* Added an optional config.ini parameter where you can disable list images in the editor (EDITOR_DISABLE_LIST_IMAGES=1).
* Reworked the config.ini handling to support comments and sections better.
* Added config option (MONITOR=[MONITORINDEX]) to start SFD on another monitor (for those that have problems dragging the game window to another monitor this might work better).
* Added config option (CLIENT_REQUEST_SERVER_MOVEMENT) where you can let the server process all your actions, including movement. This will delay your input!
* FPS and Ping information can be toggled on/off in the config.ini file using the SHOW_FPS and SHOW_PING keys.
* An in-game timer for offline games and challenges can be toggled on/off in the config.ini file using the SHOW_TIMER key.
* Increased TARGETFPS config.ini key limit from 144 to 250.
* LOTS AND LOTS of other fixes and tweaks.
* Maps can now have thumbnail images.
* MusicTrigger now has a "shuffle" option which lets you choose multiple tracks. When triggered, it will select a random track to play, prioritizing tracks that have not been played recently this session. (Used in Versus maps).
* New map editor shortcut, Ctrl+Shift+V to paste objects in the exact same coordinates as copied/cut from.
* Added modify date and create date to the open map dialog in the map editor.
* You can now see all references to a tile (e.g. trigger target) if you turn on caps lock and select the tile.
* ActivateTriggers now have more options to setup how many times they can be used by different players.
* Some new visual debug options to debug bots and path grids for maps.
* Several new tiles and triggers.
* New tile: EditorTestButton00, only visible while testing the map via the editor.
* Using bots in custom maps requires a bit of setup. As a minimum you'll need a path grid and bots with some predefined AI. More info about this will be made available in the forum.
* Several different crashes fixed in the map editor.
* Now possible to create custom challenges by seting Map Type to Challenge.
* Added instructions how to create thumbnail images for your maps in the help section.
* Added instructions how to create Versus, Campaign, Survival, Challenge and Custom maps in the Help section of the Map Editor.
* Updated ScriptAPI to allow for challenges.
* Added IGame.ChallengeCompleted boolean to be used if a challenge is won or lost when calling SetGameOver.
* Added IGame.SetChallengeTimeLimit(seconds) (max 600 seconds) to be able to set a time limit on custom challenges.
* Other fixes and tweaks.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't move left/right on top of ladders.
* Fixed a bug where players would collide with other players that have passed through them or is behind them.
* Fixed a bug where jumping near corners of objects could make the player lose all momentum (a.k.a. jump cancelling).
* Fixed a bug where grabbed players would not be hit if they overlapped a portal.
* Fixed a bug where players would walk back and forth in portals if holding both movement keys pressed.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't move in the air if you keep the roll button pressed and jumped after a roll.
* Fixed a bug where a player's ledge-grab hitbox was the same as standing up.
* Fixed a bug where you could drop makeshift weapons while climbing using the sheathe key.
* Fixed a bug where you could drop makeshift weapons while aiming in throw mode and still aim with empty hands in throw mode.
* Fixed a bug where you couldn't roll while in cover using the controls Left/Right+Down.
* Fixed a bug preventing you from cancelling an active key binding process.
* Fixed a bug where the menu would close itself when a new map begun to load.
* Fixed a bug where the server software would not read the memory usage correctly after some time.
* Fixed some bugs related to the camera and its movement over longer distances. This might affect custom maps.
* Fixed a bug where dropping a grabbed player would show them in the falling animation for a brief time.
* Fixed a bug where WeldJoints and RevoluteJoints didn't always cooperate well when some welded tiles were removed.
* Fixed some bugs related to ElevatorAttachmentJoints. An elevator won't automatically reverse when spawned. This behavior will be active once the elevator moves for the first time. This may affect custom maps.
* Fixed a bug where you could equip items not intended to be equipped, both using the ScriptAPI and configuring your profile file.
* Fixed certain misc key action to be ignored during loadings, like print screenshot, toggle fullscreen and toggle GUI.
* Fixed chat not always being visible in the lobby.
* Fixed AreaTriggers not registering rocket riding players.
* Fixed a bug where you could kick yourself as the host in the lobby.
* Fixed a bug where the music could keep playing when closing the server preview window.
* Fixed a bug when binding the chat key to A-Z prevented that key from being used in the chat.
* Other fixes and tweaks.
* Added Game.ClearWeaponSpawnChances(), Game.IsEditorTest, Game.SetCampaignMapPart(..), Game.CampaignCurrentMapPartIndex, Game.CampaignTotalMapParts, Game.PlaySound(..)
* Added IPlayer.SetBotName(..), IPlayer.AimVector, IPlayer.IsRecoveryRolling, IPlayer.IsRecoveryKneeling, IPlayer.IsValidBotEliminateTarget, IPlayer.SetValidBotEliminateTarget(..), IPlayer.GetBotBehaviorSet(), IPlayer.SetBotBehaviorSet(..)
* Game.ClearWeaponSpawnChances(), Game.UpdateWeaponSpawnChances(..) now also affects all SpawnWeapon markers.
* Added possibility to set face direction (left/right) on objects.
* Added new modifiers for a player: InfiniteAmmo, ItemDropMode, MeleeStunImmunity, CanBurn, MeleeForceModifier.
* Added IUser.GameSlotIndex
* Improved handling of faulty scripts to avoid SFD freezing in many cases.
-- Stack overflow exceptions in scripts will still make SFD crash silently as it can't be handled.
* IObjectButtonTrigger now inherits from IObjectActivateTrigger.
* Added IObject.SetCollisionFilter(...), IObject.GetCollisionFilter() to modify collision on objects similar to how AlterCollisionTile works - does not work on players.
* StartMoveToPosition command now aborts if player is going through a portal and exiting the opposite way.
* IGame.GetWeatherType() and IGame.SetWeatherType() added.
* IGame.SelectedDifficultyLevel added to read selected difficulty (for campain maps).
* Existing property IGame.CurrentDifficulty now works for campaigns, returning a 0.25f for Easy, 0.50f for Normal, 0.75f for Hard and 1.0f for Expert.
* Added properties MeleeWaitTimeLimitMin and MeleeWaitTimeLimitMax to BotBehaviorSet to control how long a bot can wait before doing an action in melee. This is by default set to 1000-1000 ms.
* Added SetMeleeActionsToEasy(), SetMeleeActionsToNormal(), SetMeleeActionsToHard(), SetMeleeActionsToExpert(), SetMeleeActionsToDefault() to BotBehaviorSet to easily default melee values to something pre-defined.
* Added BotBehaviorSet.CounterOutOfRangeMeleeAttacksLevel (0.0-1.0) which determines how likely the bot is to counter things like dives, grabs and jump attacks.
* Added BotBehaviorSet.SetMeleeActionsAll(BotBehaviorSet value) to set MeleeActions, MeleeActionsWhenHit, MeleeActionsWhenEnraged and MeleeActionsWhenEnragedAndHit at the same time.
* Fixed a bug where the Spectating status for a user remained even when assigned to a new player.
* Fixed bot commands that could get stuck if ClearCommand was called at specific timings.
* Fixed Game.UpdateWeaponSpawnChances() not working.
* Fixed a bug with RunSpeedModifier (value above 1.4) causing the running to show the sprint animation which prevent certain gameplay actions.
* Fixed some crashes when trying to access specific functions/properties on some objects after got disposed.
* Fixed a bug where Game.ElapsedTotalGameTime returned game time unaffected by slowmotion (it now returns elapsed game time affected by slowmotion). Added Game.ElapsedTotalRealTime which returns game time unaffected by slowmotion to have both options available. This change may affect custom scripts and maps.
* Other fixes and tweaks.
12 x
Quinterball: Vigorously shaking a tile while rapidly tapping CTRL causes the selected tile to randomly flash red.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.
- Gurt
- Lead Programmer
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- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:22 pm
- Title: Lead programmer
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- Location: Sweden
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- Age: 34
Hmm. Try to open the language tool manually. You can find it in your SFD install folder -> Superfighters Deluxe\Content\Data\Misc\Language\Superfighters Deluxe Language Tool.exe
0 x
- Gurt
- Lead Programmer
- Posts: 1884
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:22 pm
- Title: Lead programmer
- Started SFD: Made it!
- Location: Sweden
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- Age: 34
I assume the problem lies that it's compiled using .NET 4.0 Client Profile instead of .NET 4.5 as a target framework (.NET 4.5 is the same as the game). Gonna change that to the next update. For now I suggest your wait for the next update.
0 x
- GreenyShark
- Superfighter
- Posts: 115
- Joined: Mon Mar 21, 2016 1:49 am
- Title: Stealing kills from range
- SFD Alias: Greeny
- Started SFD: PreAlpha 1.7.0
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The glory mine...
0 x
- Gurt
- Lead Programmer
- Posts: 1884
- Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 3:22 pm
- Title: Lead programmer
- Started SFD: Made it!
- Location: Sweden
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- Age: 34
We have released an update for the game updating the Language Tool to compile towards .NET 4.5. It should work better now.
We have added default thumbnail images for maps and extensionscripts if no thumbnail was provided.
3 x
- CrazyDuck
- Fighter
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- Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:42 am
- SFD Account: CrazyDuckk
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- Age: 24
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We tried it on win7 and win10, NET 4.5 and NET 4.7,Some were prompted for errors, some flashed back directly, and some could not be opened. 

0 x
- CrazyDuck
- Fighter
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- Joined: Thu Sep 15, 2016 7:42 am
- SFD Account: CrazyDuckk
- SFD Alias: CrazyDuck
- Started SFD: 2014
- Location: China
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- Age: 24
- Contact:
The game can run normally. It's just that the language tool can't run and there's no error message (expect the windows prompt error message)
Is it possible to open the language file directly with text, then start translating, and finally just need a font library?
Is it possible to open the language file directly with text, then start translating, and finally just need a font library?
Last edited by KliPeH on Sat Dec 01, 2018 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Merged a double post.
Reason: Merged a double post.
0 x
- Shark
- Superfighter
- Posts: 299
- Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2016 3:28 pm
- Title: The Predator
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- Started SFD: 1.6.4
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- Age: 23
What are you working on now? I'm waiting a status update
0 x
Just me The Predator!
- Hjarpe
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Can't we take a break?

I'm sure we'll announce some new content pretty soon. There's more comin', just sit tight!
6 x
Quinterball: Vigorously shaking a tile while rapidly tapping CTRL causes the selected tile to randomly flash red.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.
- Shock
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You deserve a very good rest and popularity after creating such a great game. You guys did great.
last request from me, that you can decide if you interested -snowballs.
0 x
- KliPeH
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- Title: [happy moth noises]
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As it stands Steam is still "learning" about this game and will restrict it in terms of community features (cards and achievements and such).

I noticed this back in Beta and assumed it would go away once the game released, but it hasn't. Perhaps the devs are waiting for this trial period to be over before they introduce achievements, as doing so now will not prove to be effective (limited number of them in the first place, can't display them on your profile, don't count towards your game completion percentage etc).
1 x

- Hjarpe
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We realize a lot of people want achievements. We've thought about it some, but are still on the fence whether we should bother. There are other additions which excite us more, like new maps and weapons. So we'll have to prioritize as always.
5 x
Quinterball: Vigorously shaking a tile while rapidly tapping CTRL causes the selected tile to randomly flash red.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.
- Meatbag
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:18 pm
I visited the steam page and it says local multiplayer and shared screen multiplayer too. So i could play the steam version with my brother, or it is not a feature for now?
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- Noble
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Yeah, local multiplayer is now supported in the Steam version, in the same keyboard (or not if you got a joystick). All you have to do is configure on input settings.NOOOREMALISs wrote: ↑Mon Dec 03, 2018 6:20 pmI visited the steam page and it says local multiplayer and shared screen multiplayer too. So i could play the steam version with my brother, or it is not a feature for now?
1 x
When I was 22 I read this book
And I swore
"I'll stay my way, I'll stay my way"
And I swore
"I'll stay my way, I'll stay my way"