I'm going to speak about maskbytes, categorybytes and abovebytes. The disable collision between objects thing and disabling melee hits and shot collision is really straightforward anyway.
Those will allow you to change the behavior of tiles : You can disable collisions between a player and a crate for example.
1) Learn how hexadecimal works
to make it simple, Hexadecimal is a way to translate easily long binary numbers into short numbers.
Digits in hexadecimal range from 0 to F, as digits in decimal (normal numbers) range from 0 to 9.
Digits in binary range from 0 to 1 and are called bytes.
Those digits, and their translation in binary are :
0000 : 0 | 1000 : 8
0001 : 1 | 1001 : 9
0010 : 2 | 1010 : A
0011 : 3 | 1011 : B
0100 : 4 | 1100 : C
0101 : 5 | 1101 : D
0110 : 6 | 1110 : E
0111 : 7 | 1111 : F
Altercollisiontiles use four-digit hexadecimal numbers, ranging from 0000 to FFFF
2) Check the binaries
go to C:\Program Files (x86)\Superfighters Deluxe\Content\Data\Tiles\collisionGroups
open the .sfdx in your notepad
Those are the binary values for the maskbytes, categorybytes and abovebytes of different items.
In our example, we want to disable the collision between players and a crate.
Take note of the maskbytes and categorybytes of the player and of the crates
3) Disable the collision
When do collide two different objects ?
they collide when one byte in the categorybyte of the first object is to 1 while the same byte of the maskbytes of the second object is to 1.
Note that it apply reversally, with categorybytes from the second object and maskbytes from the first object
for coders out there, the method is bool collision = (filterA.maskBits & filterB.categoryBits) != 0 &&(filterA.categoryBits & filterB.maskBits) != 0;
So, what do we do ?
First, check the categorybytes of the crate(dynamic_g1) :
0000 0000 0000 1000
as you can see, the fourth byte (starting from right) is 1; meaning that if the player's fourth maskbyte is at 1 too, then there will be a collision.
The player's maskbytes are :
0000 0000 0000 1011
the player's fourth maskbyte equals 1, that mean that players collide with crates.
As you may have noticed, altercollisiontiles disable category and mask bytes
so, if we want to make so that the crate can't hit players, we will have to either
- disable players fourth maskbyte
- disable crate's fourth categorybyte
It's easier to handle the crate, then we will go for the second solution
link your atlercollisiontile to the crate, and disable the bytes you want to disable.
for instance, you want to disable the fourth byte of the crate's categorybytes
that translate to 0000 0000 0000 1000 in binary
But, since altercollisiontiles use hexadecimal rather than binary, you have to translate the binary number into a hexadecimal one :
0000 0000 0000 1000 in binary = 0008 in hexadecimal,
since 0000 : 0 and 1000 : 8
Now write 0008 into the 'disable categorybytes' section of the altercollision tile
However, your crate still collide wih players.
Why ?
check the categorybytes of players :
0000 0000 0000 0100
and maskbytes of crates(dynamic_g1) :
1111 1111 1110 1111
can you see it ?
Third bytes on both number are set to 1.
Thus, we want to set to 0 the third (and only the third) byte on the crate's maskbytes :
0000 0000 0000 0100
that translate in hex to 0006
now, put it in the 'disable maskbytes' section
et voilà ! You cannot collide with the crate anymore !
4) Summarizing
You will have to do these few steps to disable the collision between two objects :
- Check and take note of the categorybytes and maskbytes of both object
- Find the conflicting bytes in first object's categorybytes and second object's maskbytes
- Disable the category byte(s) of the object that is easier to manipulate according to the previous step
- Repeat : Disable the maskbyte(s) of the same object, depending of conflicting bytes between first object's maskbytes and second objectt's category bytes
- gg ez
Here are some tips :
- In the .sfdx file, there are listed the position of the category bytes of the different type of objects;
- If you are too lazy to check, and only manipulate objects from the same type, you can just write FFFF in the disable categorybyte section
- Abovebytes act the same way as maskbytes, but they only come in action when an object land ON THE TOP of another one. That allows small objects and debris to pass under covers such as crates and barrels.
- You can only disable collisions, not enable them. Think about it before trying something.