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A few stuffs I've made in the past I wanted to share before I leave

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A few stuffs I've made in the past I wanted to share before I leave

Post by Sree » Mon Oct 22, 2018 4:05 pm

Well this is the last thread/post I'll be making in the forums, if anyone here doesn't know what's going around with me, well my clan's closed (which is totally on me) and that was the only thing that kept me playing sfd, I honestly wish I stayed till release but I am just done. Yeah why is this thread on custom maps section? well I script in sfd and I've also made a few maps all of which I kept private because i never really cared to share it but now before I delete all of those and move on, I thought why not just contribute one small thing to the community. so yeah, this thread won't be a goodbye thread or a "thank you all for this" and there won't be such a thread from my side, this is just a small compilation of things i've made in the past (relevant to sfd)

Balance (script) : it's just a simple script I made that bans weapons (which you can add in the config area), I made this for clan wars to ban bazookas and some other power weapons but that's really it. ... e.txt/file

Nohs (script) : just a script that helps conflict with hardscopes (it reset's a player's current weapon if he is scoping directly for more than a timespan that you can set in the script's config area, by default the timespan is set to 1.2 seconds). this script is designed for crates gamemode where people usually like to quickscope and expect the same from their opponents. ... s.txt/file

<i deleted a few maps/scripts i posted in this thread because they were incomplete and i didn't want them floating around, i might post them in workshop later if i have time.>
Last edited by Sree on Fri Jan 04, 2019 12:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by piterskiy » Mon Oct 22, 2018 7:36 pm

goodbye, good luck in your life
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Post by RickAvory » Mon Oct 22, 2018 8:57 pm

Good luck with life old friend :’)
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Post by Merchant » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:02 pm

See you around Sree
Last edited by Merchant on Thu Feb 04, 2021 10:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Rick Sanchez » Mon Oct 22, 2018 11:16 pm

Thanks for everything sree, good luck in your life!
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Post by Sh4d0w » Tue Oct 23, 2018 7:56 am

lol he couldn't handle the sfd community and now he ragequits xDDDDDDDDDDDD

see ya space cowboy
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Post by Venom » Tue Oct 23, 2018 10:57 am

Leaving SFD?

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Post by Diamond TH » Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:41 pm

I like your ideas, but quitting the game for that reason confuses me :V . But I have to respect your opinion, so good luck in the future!
("xd" map will be really useful for me)
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Post by Blitz » Sun Oct 28, 2018 5:46 am

Bad to see you leave mate, Well good luck. It's me Sasank.
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Post by Noble » Sun Oct 28, 2018 6:16 am

Oh that's bad, you're one of the best friends I ever had in this game. Wish you joined the beta.
I'll make sure to download and check all of your content, hope we play again and keep in touch.
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Post by Tom Th3 Assasin » Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:01 am

i was scrolling by and came across this so thought about givin' a pat.

''if anyone here doesn't know what's going around with me, wel-- on me)''well this whole line just decide's that you were not confident enough....ended in agony and disdain.this also sound's like you lifted ton's of dead weight off your chest.

i think you had a really 'bitter' and bad end of experience,you see how thing's couldnt play by your way.but we are not so new enough in the field so that we cannot handle the pressure,You were being bothered and bullied at the same time.But we already know how to deal with 'such' people.

we know you played a double move made a compilation of contents of which you felt not confident to take a feedback from when put in separate post's,and a last post/thread which basically is a leave or quiting picture,these 2 subject's when mixed make's the person unable to narrow down their judgment on one of them and you go off scotch free?Nope.The ''stuff'' you made is brilliant,could be a really decent move if you would have hung them in their right place(ie an individual section for each map/script or better be in map-site)rather than covering up your words with them which back-fired at you.could have also provided us with a beautiful goodbye speech,''--won't be a goodbye thread or a "thaside--'' Aww..jeez they are'nt so bad.again your emotions got the better of you.Such a shame tho I am not trying to break anyone's soul im just trying to provide my post to serve a motivation for other's if so.anyway goodluck
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Post by Rick Sanchez » Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:07 am

Tom Th3 Assasin wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:01 am
i was scrolling by and came across this so thought about givin' a pat.

''if anyone here doesn't know what's going around with me, wel-- on me)''well this whole line just decide's that you were not confident enough....ended in agony and disdain.this also sound's like you lifted ton's of dead weight off your chest.

i think you had a really 'bitter' and bad end of experience,you see how thing's couldnt play by your way.but we are not so new enough in the field so that we cannot handle the pressure,You were being bothered and bullied at the same time.But we already know how to deal with 'such' people.

we know you played a double move made a compilation of contents of which you felt not confident to take a feedback from when put in separate post's,and a last post/thread which basically is a leave or quiting picture,these 2 subject's when mixed make's the person unable to narrow down their judgment on one of them and you go off scotch free?Nope.The ''stuff'' you made is brilliant,could be a really decent move if you would have hung them in their right place(ie an individual section for each map/script or better be in map-site)rather than covering up your words with them which back-fired at you.could have also provided us with a beautiful goodbye speech,''--won't be a goodbye thread or a "thaside--'' Aww..jeez they are'nt so bad.again your emotions got the better of you.Such a shame tho I am not trying to break anyone's soul im just trying to provide my post to serve a motivation for other's if so.anyway goodluck
you act like you're a psychological detective haha, stop trying to profile people, you are miserable at it. Also half of what you said makes no sense cause of your poor spelling.
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Post by RickAvory » Sun Nov 11, 2018 3:15 am

Tom Th3 Assasin wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:01 am
i was scrolling by and came across this so thought about givin' a pat.

''if anyone here doesn't know what's going around with me, wel-- on me)''well this whole line just decide's that you were not confident enough....ended in agony and disdain.this also sound's like you lifted ton's of dead weight off your chest.

i think you had a really 'bitter' and bad end of experience,you see how thing's couldnt play by your way.but we are not so new enough in the field so that we cannot handle the pressure,You were being bothered and bullied at the same time.But we already know how to deal with 'such' people.

we know you played a double move made a compilation of contents of which you felt not confident to take a feedback from when put in separate post's,and a last post/thread which basically is a leave or quiting picture,these 2 subject's when mixed make's the person unable to narrow down their judgment on one of them and you go off scotch free?Nope.The ''stuff'' you made is brilliant,could be a really decent move if you would have hung them in their right place(ie an individual section for each map/script or better be in map-site)rather than covering up your words with them which back-fired at you.could have also provided us with a beautiful goodbye speech,''--won't be a goodbye thread or a "thaside--'' Aww..jeez they are'nt so bad.again your emotions got the better of you.Such a shame tho I am not trying to break anyone's soul im just trying to provide my post to serve a motivation for other's if so.anyway goodluck
I am going to have to side with @Rick Sanchez here. We all have lives, and unfortunately sometimes they consume some of the things we enjoy. I see this slowly happening to me as I prepare to go to college. This is just a game at the end of the day.
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Post by Sree » Sun Nov 11, 2018 1:34 pm

Tom Th3 Assasin wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:01 am
''if anyone here doesn't know what's going around with me, wel-- on me)
Funny how you pointed out that little mistake I did and then continue on making a post full of grammatical mistakes and horrible spellings.

Do you really think someone such as me who goes around calling out the devs and starting shit with almost everybody in the community gives a fuck about negative feedback? trust me, I didn't post these maps because I wanted to have some good vibes or contribute something to this community, I didn't post them for any of you, I did it for myself cause I spent a considerable amount of time in these maps and I didn't want em to lay waste but then again, if nobody wants to play in em, I couldn't care less

also I never made a "goodbye" thread because firstly they are stupid, and secondly because I never really left, I am still in touch with almost every friend I made in this game, in fact it was rick sanchez who even brought this to my attention.

anyway since you are always so keen on showering people with your "unbiased" criticism and advices, how about I give you one, stop looking at every single moment as an opportunity to present yourself as a big shot, you're neither a wise person nor a good judge of character.
Tom Th3 Assasin wrote:
Sun Nov 11, 2018 12:01 am
i think you had a really 'bitter' and bad end of experience,you see how thing's couldnt play by your way.but we are not so new enough in the field so that we cannot handle the pressure,You were being bothered and bullied at the same time.But we already know how to deal with 'such' people.
No I really left because one of the dudes who I spend most of the time with in sfd left. No one's ever bullied me lol, I am the bully most of the time.
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Post by GreenyShark » Sun Nov 11, 2018 9:02 pm

Never saw you in-game but still love you as a member of the sfd community, Best of wishes in whatever you choose to procrastinate with
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