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How to make a bot target a player via script?

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How to make a bot target a player via script?

Post by NearHuscarl » Wed Aug 07, 2019 10:21 pm

EDIT: Here is a pretty good workaround for me

To make a bot target a different bot or any IObject

Code: Select all

IObject targetObj = ...
IPlayer player = ...

var bs = Player.GetBotBehaviorSet();
bs.GuardRange = 1f;
bs.ChaseRange = 1f;

I need to find a way to make my bot hunt down a specific target, in my case only melee is sufficient. This code is the closest I can get for now

Code: Select all

using SFDGameScriptInterface;

namespace SFDScript.Test
    public class TargetChasing : GameScriptInterface
        /// <summary>
        /// Placeholder constructor that's not to be included in the ScriptWindow!
        /// </summary>
        public TargetChasing() : base(null) { }

        public void OnStartup()
            var pos = Game.GetPlayers()[0].GetWorldPosition();
            pos.X -= 50;

            var bot = Game.CreatePlayer(pos);


        private bool m_attacking = false;
        private void OnUpdate(float obj)
            var target = Game.GetPlayers()[0];
            var bot = Game.GetPlayers()[1];
            var attackRadius = 75;

            Game.DrawCircle(target.GetWorldPosition(), attackRadius, Color.Red);

            if (Vector2.Distance(bot.GetWorldPosition(), target.GetWorldPosition()) < attackRadius)
                if (!m_attacking && Game.IsEditorTest)
                    Game.CreateDialogue("Attack", bot);
                m_attacking = true;
                if (m_attacking && Game.IsEditorTest)
                    Game.CreateDialogue("Move", bot);
                m_attacking = false;

But it will not quite chase the the target when it is in a crowd. Wonder if there are any better ways?
Last edited by NearHuscarl on Sun Mar 01, 2020 9:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by JakSparro98 » Thu Aug 08, 2019 2:44 am

Only by setting the bot and the player in different teams and the crowd in the same team of the bot will prevent him from attacking and chasing other entities
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Post by Gurt » Sat Aug 10, 2019 10:29 am

There is a IPlayer.SetValidBotEliminateTarget(bool) function you can use to disable a specific player to be targeted by bots too.
But as JakSparro98 said, you will have to have the bots in different teams. I never got around adding support to set a specific target through the ScriptAPI as we never needed it ourselves.
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