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Superfighters Deluxe 1.3.7 is out!

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Superfighters Deluxe 1.3.7 is out!

Post by Hjarpe » Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:08 pm

* Tweaked the block animations so it's more obvious that the wind-up frames are not actual block frames.
* Bots now aim towards the head if the head is the only exposed part behind a cover.
* The tutorial now uses texts from the language XML file so it can be translated using the language tool.
* Fixed a crash related to Streetsweepers.
* Fixed a crash related bots taking cover while being shot at.

* Added Game.ForceStartSuddenDeath(..) to be able to start sudden death based on custom conditions from scripts.
* Added IObject.GetTargetAIEnabled(), IObject.SetTargetAIEnabled(..), IObject.GetTargetAIData(), IObject.SetTargetAIData(..), Game.GetTargetAIEnabledObjects() to be able to set up additional targets for bots other than players and Streetsweepers. Use the TargetAIData to define a max distance, team, priority and attack mode for the bots towards the additional target. Players and Streetsweepers are enabled by default.
* Added IPlayer.SetForcedBotTarget(..), IPlayer.GetForcedBotTarget(), IPlayer.GetBotTarget() to be able to read or override a bot's current target.
* Updated some documentation related to scripting.

Edit 2021-01-01:
1.3.7b is out! Happy New Year!

* Fixed some rare crashes.
* Map editor: When adding a player via Test Options (F6) the game now simulates a drop-in, meaning you can access the resulting GameUser via scripts.
* Map editor: Player interface/HUD is now only shown for user 1, user 2 and the user you are currently controlling, reducing clutter while testing map/script with many test users.
10 x
Quinterball: Vigorously shaking a tile while rapidly tapping CTRL causes the selected tile to randomly flash red.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.

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Mighty Spirit the 2
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Post by Mighty Spirit the 2 » Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:23 pm

Hjarpe wrote:
Sun Sep 06, 2020 4:08 pm
* Tweaked the block animations so it's more obvious that the windup frames are not actual block frames.
What does that imply? That the block frames don't block? All I've noticed is that blocking isn't as smooth anymore, it's very jaggedy. I much prefer the old pre-Steam blocks.
1 x
🎶I will tell your story if you die
I will tell your story and keep you alive the best i can
But I've always had the feeling we would die young
Some die young

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Post by Hjarpe » Fri Jan 01, 2021 3:04 pm

1.3.7c is out! Happy New Year!

* Fixed some rare crashes.
* Map editor: When adding a player via Test Options (F6) the game now simulates a drop-in, meaning you can access the resulting GameUser via scripts.
* Map editor: Player interface/HUD is now only shown for user 1, user 2 and the user you are currently controlling, reducing clutter while testing map/script with many test users.
5 x
Quinterball: Vigorously shaking a tile while rapidly tapping CTRL causes the selected tile to randomly flash red.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.

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Post by Hjarpe » Mon Oct 11, 2021 5:32 pm

1.3.7d is out!

* Some server stability improvements and bug fixes.
* Fixed a bug where sounds for StrengthBoost and SpeedBoost wouldn't always play when activated by the player.
4 x
Quinterball: Vigorously shaking a tile while rapidly tapping CTRL causes the selected tile to randomly flash red.
MythoLogic Interactive: By design.

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