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OnUpdateTrigger still works without OnStartup

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OnUpdateTrigger still works without OnStartup

Post by Shock » Sat Jul 11, 2020 7:28 pm

This is a very special problem because if you fix it, this action may just break a lot of maps... Most players already have used OnUpdate without OnStartup setting which is working now. The way of solving this problem should be careful

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Post by Gurt » Sun Jul 12, 2020 1:51 pm

The OnUpdateTrigger will ALWAYS trigger on EACH UPDATE.
If you want to DISABLE the trigger you must use the "Trigger Enabled" property instead and maybe chain it together with the EnableTrigger.
The "Active on Startup" is a generic inherited property for all triggers if you want to early activate triggers on startup - when the map starts. This property is basically not applicable for the OnUpdateTrigger.
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