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The Seven

Posted: Sat May 14, 2022 12:54 pm
by combo
THE SEVEN The Seven is a clan of a seven members, and is full when that number is reached. The rules of the clan are as follows, the members will be chosen to join by their skill and intellect. However, if any member is challenged to a 1v1 for their spot in the clan and they lose then their challenger will replace them in the clan. We will keep the most updated list in this discord server. Good luck.
Here are the current members as of now, however because this list changed when someone is replaced check the discord for the most updated version; and to reach out to see if you think you can replace someone.

El Quan

Clan Wars are as follows:

Re: The Seven

Posted: Sat May 21, 2022 1:28 am
by Soldier
Great Clan, very good players.