Hey Guys,
I'm currently working on a map that floods once a button is pressed. So I have a big water tile thats set to be an elevator and once the button is pressed the elevators speed is set from 0 to 0.5, making the water rise. To kill people in the water I used the GibMeArea from Subway and copied that portion out of the Script from Subway. I do not have any idea or any experience with how scripting in map editor works though . Right now the rising water lacks dramatic effect, so if anyone on here knows how to trigger screenshake like the kind that happens when a train passes through on subway and also how to end screenshake with another trigger i would really appreciate that.
P.S: I've tried to copy the screenshake portion out of the script of subway too, but that didn't work for me since I did not understand wich object or trigger correspondet to that portion of the Script.
any help is appreciated!!
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Activating ScreenShake once a Trigger is activated
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- Meatbag
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Sat Nov 26, 2022 1:10 am
public void ShakeCamera(TriggerArgs args) { Game.PlayEffect("CAM_S", Vector2.Zero, 1, 1000); }1 = intensity, 1000 = length in ms
Put the method name ShakeCamera inside a ScriptTrigger or any trigger of your choice inside the script method in properties,
then you're free to use it.
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