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New Item: Ether [Stamina Powerup]

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User avatar
Posts: 65
Joined: Sun Apr 10, 2016 9:23 pm
Title: In vainglory they arose, kinda
SFD Alias: Esper, Bachhal, Famfrit...
Started SFD: Pre-alpha 1.7.6c
Location: Latin America
Age: 23

New Item: Ether [Stamina Powerup]

Post by Esper » Tue Jun 28, 2016 5:23 pm

Ether Conclusion
It will help to engage more combat dynamics without integrating more powerful, OP aspects to the game. It would be an useful buff that the community would have an use for.

*: Considering it would cost stamina.
:idea: Feedback would be useful :idea:
0 x
Inserting the most notorious, stupid and insulting thread where admins won't charge you for almost anything.

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